One of the nation’s premier solar solutions providers for consumers as well as solar dealers nationwide
Success Stories > Soligent
At the forefront of an emerging and increasingly vital energy sector, Soligent is one of the nation’s premier solar solutions providers for consumers as well as solar dealers nationwide.
From training to installation kits, Soligent bridges the gap between the market and the earth friendly power solutions that are illuminating the 21st century.
Soligent is an increasingly young and mobile workforce with offices and warehouses spread across the United States, from California to New Jersey. As subscribers to Office 365, the Soligent leadership team felt that they weren’t getting the full value of cloud computing. In addition, Soligent’s hosted SharePoint solution was being underutilized due to its lack of agility and ease of use.
Utilizing Google Workspace throughout their academic careers, the Soligent leadership team saw an opportunity to bring in the tools that helped them so much in their personal lives to their day to day business.
Through close collaboration with the Suitebriar team, Soligent tackled the fact finding process of ensuring that Google Workspace ticked all the feature boxes needed to ensure a smooth and painless transition from their legacy Office 365 environment.
Making the decision to adopt Google Workspace meant greatly expanded mailbox capabilities as well freedom from on premise file server restrictions and potential future hardware maintenance costs.
Google Workspace has given Soligent employees a “different way to work”, according to IT manager Kevin Moore. Remote workers now have expanded and highly efficient ways of accessing and collaborating on documents anytime, anywhere without having to deal with spotty VPN connections.
Additionally, Soligent sees Google Sites as an upgrade to their old SharePoint environment citing the ease of use and ability to quickly spin up Google Sites to meet their marketing project and internal resource needs.
Soligent’s journey to Google highlighted the strength of the Google Partner network. When the Suitebriar team quoted Kevin a project timeline of around 3 months, Kevin thought the estimate a little on the conservative side. To his very pleasant surprise, the project stayed on schedule and was expertly handled by Suitebriar’s solution engineers and training team, start to finish.