GenAI Use Case Discovery Workshop
An expert-guided experience that includes technical proposal for MVP/Pilot implementation
Get ready to embark on a transformative journey into the realm of Generative AI, a groundbreaking technology that empowers businesses to:
- Innovate at an unprecedented pace
- Enhance customer experiences
- Drive operational efficiency
Our immersive workshop will guide you through a comprehensive framework:
Explore real-world applications and their potential impact on your business
Identify and prioritize use cases that align with your strategic goals
Craft tailored solutions that leverage the latest AI/ML techniques
Develop a roadmap for successful implementation
Suitebriar equips you with the resources necessary to maximize your GCP utilization. These include:
- Use case prioritization matrix
- High-level technical solution concept
- Project proposal and recommendations for MVP/Pilot implementation or production implementation with architecture diagram, estimated timeline, and cost
Get in touch now!



