Advance Your Security Posture With A Free GWS Security Audit From Suitebriar
Remediate vulnerabilities and identify potential points of data exfiltration in Google Workspace. By evaluating security settings, processes, and procedures, Suitebriar can help safeguard your data from hacks and breaches while empowering your IT team to react to any security events.
- Security Audit Workbook with Actions Log
- Implementation Guide
Topics Covered:
- Identity & Authentication
- Controlling administrative access for IT service
management and eDiscovery staff - Application controls over OAuth access
Security operations for admin alerting, event monitoring,
and incident response handling - Gmail authentication, encryption, content compliance, and
protections - Google Drive sharing settings, sync capabilities, and data
loss prevention - Access controls for all other core services
- Overview of device management capabilities
- Advanced MDM settings and policies
- Chrome Management settings & policies
- Context Aware Access
- Investigation Tool
- OAuth Review
- Security Health Check
Complete the form to the right to schedule your organization up for a Suitebriar Security Audit!
